(520) 322-5773



Bill Shelton is a long time mineral enthusiast. His love began at the age of ten when he first discovered a small fleck of gold on the shores of Maine. The prospect of discovering valuable things "set the hook pretty deep". Since then his passion has sent him on many adventures across the northeast. Inspired to collect early in life, Bill has amassed a large collection of specimens, many from Russia. One day he intends to donate his collection to a museum of his choice.  

Throughout the years, the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® became the his main connection point to the society. He moved to Tucson only 15 years ago and shortly after became a lifetime member of TGMS. Now he spends much of his time teaching classes on various topics.

Teaching and education are his passions. He has been a longtime contributor, writing for various clubs throughout the years. Bill's writing appears in publications and mineral societies around the world. Starting in 2016 he began writing for TGMS.

Read Bill's articles

In Bill's own words:

" I like the idea of having classes and groups, to give an opportunity to learn something."

70 years old
Primary focus: Collecting and Education
Society life member of TGMS